Everything you need to know about Invisiwefts

Everything you need to know about Invisiwefts

What are Invisiweft hair extensions ? 

Introducing the InvisiWeft – an improved version of Machine Weft, Flat Silk Weft, and Hand-tied Weft, aptly named the JHE InvisiWeft. It redefines weft technology, offering an ultra-thin, flat, and lightweight experience.

Why Choose the Invisiweft?

Luxuriously Soft: Made from 100% Russian human hair, sourced from healthy adults, the hair undergoes no dyeing or styling before transforming into extensions, ensuring high quality.

Extended Lifespan: These extensions maintain hair integrity, locking in moisture to prevent dryness and tangling, significantly prolonging the hair's life.

Tailored Length: Have freedom in styling with Invisiweft, allowing you to cut and customise the length according to your preferences.

No Return Hair: Unlike traditional wefts, Invisiweft eliminates the hassle of return hair, ensuring a more comfortable and seamless experience.

Incredibly Thin: With a mere thickness of 0.4-0.7 mm, Invisiweft offers a natural look and a breezy installation experience. Its lightweight design ensures you won't even feel it, so you can even sleep and not feel it.

Caring for the JHE Invisiweft: 

Caring for your JHE Invisiweft :

Hydration: Regular deep moisture treatments are a must to keep your hair hydrated, complemented by the essential use of a heat protector during styling.

Tailored Products: Opt for specialised low protein, high moisture hair extension products designed for optimal care.

Styling : Safeguard against split ends by using a heat protectant when styling your hair.

Colour Dynamics: Note that darker shades generally have a longer lifespan; consider the impact of lightening processes on both colour and texture.

Colour safe : Stick to semi-colors, steer clear of high developer levels, and avoid bleaching for optimal extension care.

Sunscreen Wisdom: Opt for mineral alternatives to traditional products to prevent any discolouration.

Density check :

For Fullness & Length:  2 rows (50 grams) are ample.

Seeking Length & Thickness: Opt for a range of 2/3 rows (100-150 grams) or 3 rows (200 grams) for that added thickness.

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